Positioning of industrial trucks

Flexible and cost-effective location of industrial trucks with awiloc®


Each industrial truck is equipped with a mobile device, e.g. a smartphone, and communicates with several Bluetooth transmitters (so-called beacons) distributed throughout the warehouse. Using a web application, individual vehicles can be found and improved logistics concepts can be created by analyzing this data. Advantages of this solution with awiloc® are especially the low installation and cost effort as well as the variable use with all types of vehicles.

awiloc® is terminal independent and runs on common smartphones, tablets and wearables. The position calculation is done autonomously on the mobile device. This means that there is no data communication for the position determination with a central server. In addition, no separate infrastructure is required, as existing wireless radio networks such as WLAN or Bluetooth Low Energy are used. The mobile terminals measure the signal strength of the transmitters and determine their position to within a few meters.

Localization of forklifts with awiloc® at a glance:

Localization via Bluetooth Low Energy or WLAN
(Put out beacons or use existing WLAN)
Use of commercially available hardware
(ruggedized smartphones or embedded industrial PCs)
Adaptation of awiloc® to industrial trucks and industrial environments
(e.g. speed, reactivity, vehicle-specific shadows, metallic environments of high variance)
Extensions of awiloc® to meet specific requirements
(e.g. motion models, standstill detection, event detection, server-side data processing, commissioning and toolchain)
Intensify integration with third-party systems
(e.g. IAP, ERP/SAP, vehicle hardware, key figure collection, operations)


Survey of key figures in logistics with awiloc®