Fluorescence Microscopy / Life Science Research

Proliferation / Colocalization

Problem: manually counting cells that express multiple fluorescent markers is tedious work and prone to errors and intra/inter observer variance            

Solution: automatically analyze scans and create Excel file

Current Status:


  • Large modular toolbox with ~50 image processing building blocks available. We combine and tune these building blocks in order to create powerful image processing algorithms that can be stored as presets/templates
  • The solution is free of AI and so does not require a large annotated ground truth database
  • Optionally, an image processing pipeline can be automatically optimized by providing ground truth annotations for one or a few sample images

Detection of Cell-cell contacts

Problem: manually identifying and counting cells in close proximity to each other is tedious work and prone to errors and intra/inter observer variance                                                        

Solution: automatically analyze scans and create Excel file                                                 

Current Status:


  • Large modular toolbox with ~50 image processing building blocks available. We combine and tune these building blocks in order to create powerful image processing algorithms that can be stored as presets/templates
  • The solution is free of AI and so does not require a large annotated ground truth database
  • Optionally, an image processing pipeline can be automatically optimized by providing ground truth annotations for one or a few sample images

Cell Shape and Nucleus Segmentation

Problem: manually taking measurements on a cell’s shape, size and area or its nucleus-cytoplasm ratio is tedious work and prone to errors and intra/inter observer variance

Solution: automatically analyze scans and create Excel file with various statistics on all cells

Current Status:


  • Large modular toolbox with ~50 image processing building blocks available. We combine and tune these building blocks in order to create powerful image processing algorithms that can be stored as presets/templates
  • The solution is free of AI and so does not require a large annotated ground truth database
  • Optionally, an image processing pipeline can be automatically optimized by providing ground truth annotations for one or a few sample images

Automated Biofilm Detection in Clinical FISH

Goal: Automatic detection and quantification of microorganisms on FISH samples

Partners: joint effort with the Biofilm Center Charité / MoKi Analytics GmbH, Chili GmbH, HB Technologies                                                          

Current Status:

  • Segmentation Tissue vs Background
  • Segmentation of defects (holes) in tissue
  • Spot detection of in 40x scans – spots are likely bacteria
  • Find Hotspots


  • 30 annotated FISH whole slide scans (40x WSIs and single 100x field of views) of natural and synthetic heart valves


  • Detect potential bacteria in 40x scans and create 100x scans at hotspots

More information about iSOLID
iSOLID is supported by the program „Photonics in the LifeSciences“ (13N14917) by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF).