Listen to the future

Listening Test

Fraunhofer IIS is researching the audio coding technologies of the future. You can contribute to this by lending us your ears and taking part in a listening test. These tests are necessary to evaluate the quality of a new process.

What is a listening test?

Listening tests are standardized test procedures in which the respondents hear different sentences or short extracts from pieces of music. They then have to rate the audio quality for each signal on a scale from 1 to 5.
All tests are anonymous and the results are stored and processed without reference to the participant. These tests vary in length and usually last between one and two hours. They also vary in terms of location - there are tests that can be done from home and tests for which participants need to come to our institute.

In addition to these tests, we also conduct studies in virtual reality at irregular intervals.

Who can participate?

If you would like to become a test listener, you should have a good understanding of the German or English language and even with hearing impairment, you can register as a hearing tester: Frauhofer IIS develops and evaluates audio technologies that enable better audio experiences for people with impaired hearing. Minors over the age of 14 require parental consent; unfortunately, participation is not possible for those under 14.

Where do the tests take place?

Some of the listening tests are carried out at the premises of Fraunhofer IIS, Am Wolfsmantel 33, 91058 Erlangen (Tennenlohe). Currently, more and more online listening tests are being conducted - in this case, the listening test is carried out from home on your computer. You are welcome to indicate below for which type of listening test we may invite you - online, on-site, or both.


In addition to the good feeling of actively contributing to the improvement of a new technology, there is an allowance of twelve euros per hour for the listening tests at Fraunhofer IIS.

How can I participate?

Please fill out the form below. As soon as a new hearing test is due, you will receive an invitation by e-mail

Your data will only be used for the organization of our listening tests and will not be passed on to third parties under any circumstances.

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