
Foto von Fagotten in der 3D-CT. Der Scan dient der Anfertigung exakter Kopien der Instrumente.
© Fraunhofer IIS
The body of each instrument was disassembled into individual segments and x-rayed in the CT scanner.

                               Schola Cantorum Basiliensis


3D helical computed tomography




Reconstruct the entire body to make copies.

Because of their age and their cultural and historical significance, the bassoons cannot be played today. The moisture and mechanical stress would be too high a risk for the valuable exhibits.

For this reason, there are plans to make copies of the instruments using 3D printing. To obtain accurate data for the process, the bassoons were precisely scanned in 3D CT.

Parameters such as pitch, intonation, and tone quality can then be safely examined by researchers using 3D-printed replicas.

© Fraunhofer IIS
The numerous keys of the instruments were examined separately from the wooden tubes to ensure optimum contrast on the X-ray images.