Enveloping sound at home and on the go

Audio processing technologies such as Cingo and upHear use intelligent algorithms to deliver enveloping 3D sound both from large soundbars and from miniature in-ear headphones

Audio processing is the term used to describe methods for enhancing the audio signal, such as 3D sound generation on stereo headphones. Fraunhofer Cingo makes stereo, multi-channel and immersive sound formats sound natural and spatial on headphones. Integrating new audio features and algorithms such as these into products can be challenging. The use of a flexible platform like Audio Weaver from DSP Concepts can accelerate product development while also reducing costs and providing must-have functions.

Fraunhofer’s upHear Immersive Audio Virtualizer audio processing technology is also concerned with 3D sound playback, albeit on soundbars. This year, Sennheiser used this technology to launch the little brother of its successful AMBEO Soundbar MAX: the Sennheiser AMBEO Soundbar Plus. This enables users to adapt the immersive sound perfectly to the conditions of any given room. The upHear Immersive Audio Virtualizer generates high-quality surround sound, rendering obsolete the rear loudspeakers generally used in traditional surround-sound systems. This is achieved by means of sophisticated device-specific audio processing, developed by Fraunhofer experts.

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Cingo lets you enjoy immersive sound even over stereo headphones.