
Current Press Releases


European Chiplet Innovation: APECS Pilot Line starts Operation in the Framework of the EU Chips Act

The pilot line for “Advanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration for Electronic Components and Systems” (APECS) marks a major leap forward in strengthening Europe’s semiconductor manufacturing capabilities and chiplet innovation as part of the EU Chips Act. By providing large industry players, SMEs, and start-ups with a facilitated access to cutting-edge technology, the APECS pilot line will establish a strong foundation for resilient and robust European semiconductor supply chains. Within APECS, the institutes collaborating in the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD) will work closely with European partners, to make a significant contribution to the European Union´s goals of increasing technological resilience, strengthening cross-border collaboration and enhancing its global competitiveness in semiconductor technologies. APECS is co-funded by the Chips Joint Undertaking and national funding authorities of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain, through the “Chips for Europe” initiative. The overall funding for APECS amounts to € 730 million over 4.5 years.
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Multilingual and open source: OpenGPT-X research project releases large language model

The large language model of the OpenGPT-X research project is now available for download on Hugging Face: "Teuken-7B" has been trained from scratch in all 24 official languages of the European Union (EU) and contains seven billion parameters. Researchers and companies can leverage this commercially usable open source model for their own artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the OpenGPT-X consortium – led by the Fraunhofer Institutes for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS and for Integrated Circuits IIS – have developed a large language model that is open source and has a distinctly European perspective.
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Fraunhofer IIS Presents First Integration of New Emergency Warning Feature into DAB+ Head-End and Receiver Solutions

Erlangen, November 13, 2024: Fraunhofer IIS is the first technology supplier to implement WorldDAB’s new EWS/ASA alarm signaling standard into their digital radio DAB+ head-end and receiver solutions. The implementation was tested and demonstrated as an on-air showcase during the recent “Deutscher Warntag”. Public and private broadcasters as well as device manufacturers can now receive the innovation through a DAB ContentServer technology upgrade.
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nanoSPECTRAL chip: A cost-effective spectrometer in miniature format

Erlangen, Germany: The nanoSPECTRAL chip is a chip-size spectrometer based on the nanoSPECTRAL technology developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS. This chip offers an innovative solution for spectral analyses, making it possible to measure the optical spectrum of a wide variety of objects quickly and precisely – both in transmission and in reflection. What’s new is that the technology is compact, affordable, and easy to integrate into existing systems. This opens the door to new potential applications – from agriculture and the food industry to medical applications. The nanoSPECTRAL chip will be presented at electronica in Munich from November 12 to 15, 2024.
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  • 埃尔兰根/东京——Sound United LLC联合旗下品牌:天龙(Denon)、普乐之声(Polk Audio)、马兰士(Marantz)、狄分尼提(Definitive Technology)、和乐氏(HEOS)、架势(Classé)和波士顿声学(Boston Acoustics)与MPEG-H音频标准的主要贡献者Fraunhofer IIS共同宣布,包括天龙和马兰士的部分AV放大器和前处理器在内的家庭影院产品将通过固件升级的方式支持MPEG-H技术[ ]。

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  • 2020年3月4日,德国埃朗根市—— mp3技术的发明者,xHE-AAC和 MPEG-H音频标准的主要贡献者Fraunhofer IIS近日宣布恩智浦半导体将采用其MPEG音频SDK,该软件包涵盖了四代音频编解码器:传统的MPEG Layer-1/2/3和MPEG-H 3D音频编解码器以及最新的包含了xHE-AAC的AAC家族系列。它们将应用于恩智浦多媒体系统解决方案中,以提升诸如机顶盒、条形音箱以及智能扬声器等家庭娱乐产品的音频质量。

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  • 2019年10月21日,德国埃朗根市——当您听熟悉的歌曲突然有了耳目一新的感觉,仿佛浸入音乐之中并被演奏家们所包围,那您应该聆听的是360 Reality Audio。这种全新的沉浸式音乐格式基于MPEG-H Audio技术,前所未有地拉近了艺术家与粉丝间的距离并使音乐的听感变得更加真实和身临其境。索尼于10月15日在纽约官方发布了该全新音乐格式并宣布了 360 Reality Audio沉浸式音乐流媒体服务在Amazon Music HD、Deezer、nugs.net以及TIDAL的上线时间。与此同时,当地的索尼音乐厅还展示了亚马逊高端智能扬声器Echo Studio和索尼耳机等首批支持360 Reality Audio的消费类电子设备。

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  • 2018年6月20日,德国埃朗根市——随着Android P 开发者预览版3的发布,Fraunhofer IIS宣布将自2012年起就应用于安卓系统且备受欢迎的FDK库升级。升级后的FDK2将会为安卓系统的OEM厂商、服务提供商和开发者带来多项全新技术,其中包括可将立体声码率降至12kbit/s的xHE-AAC以及在嘈杂环境中仍能让用户保持优质聆听体验的MPEG-D DRC动态范围控制技术。

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  • 2018年6月15日,德国埃朗根/韩国首尔——2018年俄罗斯世界杯揭幕战的开启标志着全球首个具备沉浸式和交互式功能的广播电视节目的正式播出。韩国SBS电视台通过基于ATSC 3.0标准的超高清视频技术直播该项赛事,由Fraunhofer主导研发的MPEG-H电视音频系统的高级功能为用户带来沉浸式和交互式音频体验。

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  • © Photo Yandex

    2018年6月1日,德国埃朗根市/俄罗斯莫斯科——由机器学习驱动的人工智能产品和服务科技公司Yandex在其首个智能音箱产品中集成了Fraunhofer upHear语音质量增强技术,使产品能够准确识别从房间任何位置发出的语音指令。

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The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS is one of the world’s leading application-oriented research institutions for microelectronic and IT system solutions and services.

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