Center for Digital Signal Processing using Artificial Intelligence DSAI

Fraunhofer IIS combines digital signal processing with artificial intelligence in a center for research, consulting and licensing and for creating special customized solutions.

Today’s consumer electronics, automotive technology, telecommunications and intelligent assistance systems would be inconceivable without digital signal processing. Now we are taking the logical next step by using machine learning and artificial intelligence to advance these fields of application even further. This will allow us to find solutions for problems in our core competence domains that would not be obtainable through traditional digital signal processing. In view of the general significance of signal processing and AI across various applications, it is essential for companies to be able to access excellent basic technologies for their products.

To ensure that they can, Fraunhofer IIS is building up its Center for Digital Signal Processing using Artificial Intelligence DSAI, bringing together all relevant knowledge under one roof.

Core Areas

Computer Vision

Enhancing 3D reconstructions with machine learning to revolutionize film production and virtual experiences with efficient 3D data transmission.


Audio Signal Processing

Bringing audio to a whole new level with AI-driven technologies for enhanced personalized 3D playback in devices worldwide.


Data Transmission

Optimizing wireless transmission and tackling future network challenges with distributed learning, fog computing, and efficient signal processing.


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The DSAI Center has been awarded funding by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy in the amount of 13 million euros for the period 2020 to 2025.

Join us!

Have you always been fascinated by AI? Are you interested in pursuing your ideas and scientific curiosity about AI-based signal processing? Then why not apply for a position with us? Using “Speculative application DSAI” as the subject line, send your application to


Frederik Nagel

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Frederik Nagel

General Manager of DSAI; Head of AudioLabs-IIS Department

Fraunhofer IIS
Am Wolfsmantel 33
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Phone +49 9131 776-6247

Sahana Raghunandan

Contact Press / Media

Sahana Raghunandan

Head of Broadband and Broadcast Department

Fraunhofer IIS
Am Wolfsmantel 33
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Phone +49 9131 776-3863

Joachim Keinert

Contact Press / Media

Dr.-Ing. Joachim Keinert

Head of Group Computational Imaging

Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS
Am Wolfsmantel 33
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Phone +49 9131 776-5152

ADA Lovelace Center

Curious to learn about other AI activities at Fraunhofer IIS? Then take a look at our ADA Lovelace Center for Analytics, Data and Applications.

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