Seminars referring to Reinforcement Learning

"Reinforcement Learning (RL)" is an area of machine learning. The goal here is to enable an autonomous agent to accomplish a task through trial-and-error without using annotated training data. The agent is not given examples of correct actions (e.g., as in Supervised Learning), but must interact with the environment to discover a strategy that maximizes the expected cumulative reward for the task at hand.

Through a combination of theory and actual industry case studies, this two-day seminar will enable you to understand the value and impact of this technology on your business. You will learn how to formulate several problem types according to the RL paradigm and design (or, respectively, select from a large base) efficient algorithms to solve them. In addition, through practical examples, you will gain a solid understanding of how to apply RL algorithms in practice using state-of-the-art software frameworks.

By participating in the seminar, you will: understand the foundations of Reinforcement Learning, learn how to formulate a given problem within the context of Reinforcement Learning paradigm, study different types of Reinforcement Leaning algorithms, implement Reinforcement Learning algorithms for real-world problems using state-of-the-art software, learn how to apply Reinforcement Learning in real-world autonomous systems

Content of the Seminar »Reinforcement Learning«

Day 1

The THEORETICAL basics  
  • Short introduction on AI and Autonomous Systems
  • Markov Decision Processes and Dynamic Programming
  • Q-Learning and SARSA algorithms
  • Value Function Approximation
  • Hands-on examples of basic algorithms


Day 2

Deep Reinforcement learning in practice
  • Deep Q-Learning algorithms and extensions
  • Policy search algorithms
  • Actor Critic methods


Advanced Topics:

  • Imitation Learning and Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Model-based Reinforcement Learning
  • Simulation to Reality transfer
  • Interpretable Reinforcement Learning
  • End-to-End Reinforcement Learning

Best Practices:

  • Reward Shaping and Curriculum-Learning
  • Hyperparameter-Tuning
  • Debugging of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
  • Selecting suitable algorithms for different types of problems
  • Hands-on examples for core algorithms
  • Reinforcement Learning examples in industrial applications


Who should attend this seminars?

  • Industry managers with strategic decision-making responsibilities
  • Key members of in-house R&D teams
  • Algorithm engineers and programmers
  • Industry consultants

Price: 1200 Euro


Registration Seminar Reinforcement Learning

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