New simulation platform available

Virtually testing connected driving with 5G on C-V2XSim, our web-based simulation platform 

Since summer 2022, companies have been able to access our web-based simulation platform free of charge and virtually test a wide variety of traffic and communication scenarios. In this way, C-V2XSim facilitates and supports the development of vehicle functions for connected driving based on the 5G mobile communications standard.

After registering, users can access a wide range of options for intuitively configuring the traffic and mobile communications environment in which the simulation is to take place. Once the simulation has been run, C-V2XSim generates a helpful report containing detailed KPIs on the network’s performance in the modeled scenario.

The tool visualizes weak points in mobile coverage or data transmission in the form of, for example, heat maps based on real map material. This makes it possible to see at a glance whether a planned application can be implemented safely at any point in the environment in question.

We’re continuing to develop C-V2XSim so that we can offer companies even more functionality. In addition to extended options for configuring traffic, mobile communications and result parameters, upon request we also provide an interface that can be used to link external simulators or entire development environments with C-V2XSim.

This is how we, in a joint project with the company Elektrobit, have created an end-to-end simulation environment in which complex driving functions can be modeled, developed and then tested by means of simulation directly in the application context. This helps developers quickly identify any problems that arise, correct the algorithms accordingly, and then put the driving functions to the (virtual) test again – all with just a single software tool. The actual code is generated and transferred to the vehicle only once the software-based validation has succeeded. 

Previously common but costly intermediate steps, in which the software is transferred several times to the hardware and tested again and again in the vehicle, are no longer required. As a result, C-V2XSim helps significantly shorten software development cycles. 

C-V2XSim ist Verkehrssimulator und 5G-Simulator in einem
© Fraunhofer IIS, Franziska Köhler
C-V2XSim ist Verkehrssimulator und 5G-Simulator in einem

C-V2XSim – 5G - und Verkehrssimulator

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