Intelligent Mobility Station

As part of the “Intelligent Mobility Station” project, new strategies and technologies to link traffic and energy systems, and to navigate around buildings, are being tried out.

Electromobility options are integrated and expanded on, the energy supply is optimized with regard to maximum usage and smart storage of renewable energy, and an indoor navigation system is being tested to allow switching between different modes of transport in complex building situations. The aim is to attain a higher intensity and quality of usage of public transport.

The indoor navigation system with awiloc® guarantees an unbroken chain of information from door to door; it is also linked to existing information systems.

All scientific breakthroughs made will be channeled into an impressive, intelligent, intermodal transport hub at Berlin’s Südkreuz railroad station. This demonstrator, to be open to the public, will be electrically mobile and will be supplied with regenerative energy in order to get the public excited about the potential offered by networked CO2-free mobility.