Server-based Galileo Public Regulated Service (PRS) Technologies

The Galileo Public Regulated Service (PRS) offers authorities and organizations with security tasks, operators of critical infrastructures as well as officially authorized users the possibility to securely determine time and place with its especially protected and encrypted satellite navigation signals (GNSS). Due to the high security requirements, Galileo PRS receivers are limited in their application compared to miniaturized mass-market receivers, especially due to their size and power consumption.

Fraunhofer IIS develops server-based Galileo PRS receiver technologies. Raw data of Galileo PRS signals are recorded in miniaturized and low-power terminals and sent to an especially protected server infrastructure (Cloud Computing), where the PRS signals are analyzed. Depending on the application, the secure and reliable PRS position and time solution can be sent back to the terminal or queried by a client. This enables further miniaturization and thus more diverse use of Galileo PRS for government-authorized applications.

Specific offer

  • Development of server-based Galileo PRS technologies with outsourced security module in an especially protected server infrastructure and processing concepts (Cloud Computing)
  • Support for new types of and innovative applications through proof-of-concept with sample & process (e.g. drone market, asset tracking, time signing and verification, etc.)
  • Use of Galileo PRS signal processing in our especially protected server infrastructure
  • Generation of a tamper-proof position and time solution without the use of conventional Galileo PRS receivers

Applications and projects



Galileo PRS and the outsourcing of crypto processing and large parts of the receiver (signal processing) to a secure server environment are used to realize tamper-proof, miniaturized and low-cost receivers.

More information


GNSS receiver technologies

Satellite navigation receivers and antennas for a wide range of applications.



Garzia, F.; van der Merwe, J.R.; Rügamer, A.; Urquijo, S.; Felber, W., HDDM Hardware Evaluation for Robust Interference Mitigation, in: MDPI Sensors 2020, 20, 6492.

Rügamer, A.; Joshi, S.; Merwe, J. R. v. d.; Garzia, F.; Felber, W.; Wendel, J.; Schubert, F. (2017): Chirp Mitigation for Wideband GNSS Signals with Filter Bank Pulse Blanking, in: Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017), Portland, Oregon, S. 3924-3940.

Rügamer, A.; Rubino, D.; Lukcin, I.; Taschke, S.; Stahl, M.; Felber, W. (2016): Secure Position and Time Information by Server Side PRS Snapshot Processing, in: Proceedings of the 29th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2016), Portland, Oregon, S. 3002-3017.

Rügamer, A.; Neumaier, P.; Sommer, P.; Garzia, F.; Rohmer, G.; Konovaltsev, A.; Sgammini, M.; Caizzone, S.; Meurer, M.; Wendel, J.; Schubert, F.; Baumann, S. (2014): BaSE-II: A Robust and Experimental Galileo PRS Receiver Development Platformin: Proceedings of the 27th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2014), Tampa, Florida, S. 2579-2591.

Rügamer, A.; Stahl, M.; Lukcin, I.; Rohmer, G. (2014): Privacy Protected Localization and Authentication of Georeferenced Measurements using Galileo PRS, in: Proceedings of IEEE/ION PLANS 2014, Monterey, CA, S. 478-486.

Rügamer, A.; Suberviola, I.; Foerster, F.; Rohmer, G.; Konovaltsev, A.; Basta, N.; Meurer, M.; Wendel, J.; Kaindl, M.; Baumann, S. (2011): A Bavarian Initiative Towards a Robust Galileo PRS Receiver, in: Proceedings of the 24th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2011), Portland, OR, S. 3668-3678.