5G Positioning in Industry and Logistics 4.0

The desire for increased flexibility in production and logistics goes hand in hand with a growing need for continuous positioning of mobile vehicles, products and materials. By collecting, evaluating, and using position-related data, production, assembly and logistics processes can be made sufficiently transparent and automated. In connection with the networking of a large number of machines and sensors, the future of flexible and individualized production is also possible with the help of 5G. The standardization of 5G meets this need by striving for a gradual improvement in positioning accuracy, which takes into account in particular the desire for precise positioning of industry and logistics

Application examples:


Monitoring and control of AGVs and UAVs

The increasing interest in driverless transport systems (AGVs) and drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAV) demands reliable and accurate positioning. 5G can be used for monitoring and supporting the control of drones and AGVs.


Digitized Material Flow and automated Warehouse Management

A transparent and digitized material and goods flow is a basic requirement for flexible and individualized production. 5G can enable the continuous position ing of production resources and stocks in near real time.


Intelligent Tools and Tool Tracking

In a flexible and modular production, assembly tools have to be found quickly in order to spend as little working time as possible for searching. 5G can be used to reliably locate the assembly tool in order to save time.


AR-assisted Assembly

Augmented Reality (AR) is an important building block in individualized and flexible assembly. 5G can provide the necessary positioning and data transmission to implement AR applications.


Prevention of container fraud

Freight theft can cost businesses a lot of economic damage. With its positioning and roaming capabilities, 5G can contribute to the seamless positioning of containers worldwide.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

A flexible and individualized production requires a high degree of automation, which can be achieved in particular through networking and positioning. 5G can make a significant contribution to interconnected and digital production.


Boundless 5G

The Grenzenlos5G@BYBW project is testing concrete use cases for 5G in logistics under real conditions in the Swabian region.

Let´s connect!

Discover further application possibilities around 5G at 5G Connect Advanced on September 19, 2024

Smart Construction

With the help of 5G, room-specific and decimeter-precise positioning of recyclable materials or employees are possible. In addition, augmented reality applications support the construction process.