MIKAIA® – Step up your Digital Pathology Research

MIKAIA1 is the ideal software for preclinical and clinical research – precisely tailored to the requirements and specific research questions of histopathology:

  • Annotation of whole slide images, in brightfield or fluorescence.
  • Efficient analysis of more data – for objective and quantitative results.
  • Image-to-Excel functionality for quantitative pathology.
  • "Off the Shelf" apps for standard use cases as well as flexible extension options for individual use cases.
  • Ideal for standard pathology (H&E), immunohistochemistry, and proteomics/patial biology (mIF).

Application notes and use cases are available from the central learning hub MIKAIA® University and more resources in our life science blog. The underlying AI technologies are described in our scientific publications.

MIKAIA® is available in two versions

  • MIKAIA® lite – viewing, annotating, and converting slides: The free basic model offers numerous features. Download now.
  • MIKAIA® studio – offers an App Center with robust image analysis apps and enables the creation and integration of custom AIs, all at a highly competitive price.

You already have MIKAIA® lite and want to switch to MIKAIA® studio? The upgrade to MIKAIA® studio is easily done by importing a license file.

For more information about the apps and functionalities, please download our MIKAIA® brochure and the MIKAIA® Feature List.

The latest software changes are documented in the MIKAIA® Changelog.


1 Please note: in February 2024, MICAIA was renamed to MIKAIA to settle a dispute with a holder of a similar trademark.

MIKAIA® is distributed by:

  • Smart In Media AG – The Pathologist's Company (Europe)
  • Smart In Media Inc. (US)
  • ScientiaLux LLC (US)
  • Benestar Tech Co., Ltd. (APAC)


You can discover the use of the apps in exemplary medical use cases in the App Notes in our blog SMART SENSING insights.

How to cite

If you use MIKAIA® in your research, we kindly ask you to cite it in your publications:
Fraunhofer IIS (<current year>). MIKAIA® <lite/studio> (Version <used version>) [Computer software]. RRID:SCR_025081. www.mikaia.ai


Pharma Services

Quantitative image and video analysis as a service


Contract Research and Development

We offer a wide range of application and customer-specific solutions and services around image analysis


MIKAIA® University

The central MIKAIA® Learning Hub - with Tutorials, App Notes & Case Studies